The most fulfilling identity crisis you will ever have.

So, you are a Mom, now what? It seems a peculiar thing happens when a baby in placed into your arms. There are countless emotions, most happy. But, hold the phone, suddenly it seems this whole other person that you were before ceases to exist.

Before I was a Mom I was a eclectic day dreamer, creative artist, nurse and so many more things, but alas, I could not remember this woman. I missed her, but you can’t say that out loud and heaven forbid you attempt pursuing getting back in touch with her. I was a Mom now, heck, you even lose your first name. You are just MOM.

It is a wonderful thing to be a mother, most of the time you do not even realize that other woman is not there anymore, at least I didn’t for longer than I care to admit. I was too busy trying to be everything for my kids. Seriously, ask just about any woman what the most important things are in their life and 99 percent will tell you; my kids. They are important, so freaking important. The other 1 percent, might have it figured out, y’all.

Now, do not get me wrong, making your kids a priority is top shelf, making them your ONLY priority….well, you get it. I have been doing this motherhood thing for fifteen years and I am just now figuring out that I can be a good Mom and still be me, the artist, the dreamer and whatever else I want to be. Guess what, making yourself a priority is pretty important too.

Ultimately, those beautiful little life-suckers are looking to you as an example on how to manage themselves and if they see a confident happy Mom, then dollars to donuts, that will make them happy as well. I know now that I have reclaimed my identity that I want my daughter to see that you can have it all. You can be a good Mom and still be a person who exists outside her children.

So, ladies, I challenge you to do you. Quit with all the baloney and find that woman you were before, grab onto her, and don’t let her go. You have my permission, although you don’t need it. Be whatever it is you want to be, be a unicorn if you are into that, just BE HAPPY:)


“Mat Mom”

How wrestling has impacted our lives. I was inducted into the “mat mom club” unceremoniously one brisk October when my then kindergarten little man decided, this was the sport for him. That was ten years ago. He is now a sophomore, and wrestling Varsity at…


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